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Zepp Swing Sensor: User Validation Results

Writer's picture: Benny RodriguezBenny Rodriguez

We performed an experiment to try to answer the following questions;

1)How does Zepp Labs sensor compares to a radar gun for measuring bat speed?

2) How does Zepp Labs sensor compares to video analysis in regards to measurement of bat vertical angle & attack angle?

Measurement Equipment/Tools:

Measurement Setup:

Measurement Examples:



Based on the results obtained it is possible to say that the Zepp Labs sensor can be an useful tool for

  • Tracking hitters performance during a practice session.

  • Evaluating hitters improvements/results based on approach changes or a training program.

The Bottom Line?

Based on the data of this and previous experiments, the Zepp Labs sensor and Flightscope Mevo will be used for future experiments, training, and player evaluations.

Reminder: Always tinker and test technology before integrating it into your training. It is important to find the measurement error and understand how the technology can be incorporated into your training.

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